Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Lelong, Lelong

Clickity Click!

Dudes! Here are some of the pictures of the stuff we are selling. Besides the amazing avalanche of clothes, bags and whatsnot, we have plenty of furniture to sell as well. Study tables, chairs, wardrobes, mirrors, gosh, the list is neverending. Some of the items will be placed in the garden, some inside the house. Let's just hope the sun is shining this Saturday. Suria, please hope for sun!

You are welcomed to bring your dogs too! They can run around the garden and Toto can stare at them till his eyes pop out. He likes to police whoever pee in his garden, you see.

If you all arrive later in the afternoon or early evenings, you are welcomed to cool the house down. And what is chilling without alcohol, eh? I will have some in stock but more is always welcomed ;)

Speaking of alcohol, a friend poured me a shot of Chartreuse Liqueur last night. That shite contained 55% alcohol and he insisted I had it neat. Freak, it is like drinking poison, ain't it? The last time I had to consume some Absolut Vodka (which contains 40%) neat, someone was already protesting ;) Well, Chartreuse tasted sugary but gee, did it burn my throat. Once is enough.

Anyways, hope to see you dudes, dudettes, doggies, cats and whatever pets this Saturday! Spread the word around!


Blogger eha said...

i feel like going but ........ i will feel very weird and out of place :(

1:00 PM  
Blogger Luna said...

Hope no last minute errant to do on saturday so I can bring the "Sun" to join the fun =) I wonder whether Toto will let his BFF pee in his garden? haha..

1:44 PM  
Blogger jellybeano said...

eha: Oh, won't la. alot of strangers coming to take a look at the sale too!

luna: YAY! bring the sun! bring the sun! Of course he will allow. Probably try to hump him at the same time. HA HA!

1:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Is your dog for sale too?? ;)

5:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BR boxers?!? :/


3:02 AM  

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