Pleasant, Pleasant Surprise
So as you can probably gauge from the avanlanche of entries, I wasn't exactly a joy to have around today. The rain dampened my plans of heading to town. Instead, I lugged my stack of papers home to work on.
With little appetite, I sat about my laptop to work.
The doorbell rang. Mister Toto barked.
Seldom are doorbells meant for me.
Suddenly, my mother called out "Girl ah, there is a delivery for you!"
My concentration broken, I sauntered down the steps to meet a spunky, tanned boy. He is probably younger than me, dressed in home clothes, but nevertheless cute.
"Hi!" He chirped. "Your friend has a delivery of chocolate truffles for you!"
I thanked him and opened the nice green box. A little tray of happy-looking truffles met my eyes.
Oh, my sweetest little buddy! Even if the box contained just ONE truffle, I would give you my wettest, sloppiest kiss if you were there right there and then. So thank your lucky stars you weren't here!
With little appetite, I sat about my laptop to work.
The doorbell rang. Mister Toto barked.
Seldom are doorbells meant for me.
Suddenly, my mother called out "Girl ah, there is a delivery for you!"
My concentration broken, I sauntered down the steps to meet a spunky, tanned boy. He is probably younger than me, dressed in home clothes, but nevertheless cute.
"Hi!" He chirped. "Your friend has a delivery of chocolate truffles for you!"
I thanked him and opened the nice green box. A little tray of happy-looking truffles met my eyes.
Oh, my sweetest little buddy! Even if the box contained just ONE truffle, I would give you my wettest, sloppiest kiss if you were there right there and then. So thank your lucky stars you weren't here!
And I'm still in school munching on my black swiss toblerone... hmmm...
haha, aren't you jealous of my lovable friends?
eh i'm sorry the cute boy didn't come together with the truffle package. certainly hope the truffles brightened up your evening! =)
tsk tsk. Next time, ask the cute boy to stay for dinner as well!
I've been beaten to it!!! -ZH
I thought you don't like younger guys? =P
Haha. Yeah man. I'm so jealous of your lovable friends... haven't had any guy friend ask some cute girl to deliver truffles for me when I'm down... haha.
ZH: Hannor, so slow. Now your chocolates wouldnt be original. Send something else lah. Like abalone.
Toukarin: Aiyah next time you are down, I would ask a certain girl to lower your MLI ok? HAHA.
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