Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hello Mister Sunshine

Ah, it's the weekend again. This has become a sort of weekend blog, hasn't it?

For Saturday morning's activity, I decided to organize a small team for trekking the nice and simple route of Kranji Memorial Trek once again. However, as the weather gods would have it, I woke up to ominous looking skies.

Soon, it started pouring and one by one, people decided to back out. Finally, only Jane, Felix, Jervais and I were left. But hey, the weather turned out to be really awsome!

Raving to go, people!

Hurry up, you slow coaches!

Jane and Felix

Felix has a knack of picking rotten twigs and leaves. You will see more of that later, of course.

Amidst the tall, tall lallangs...

The flying musketeers!

It was a rather warm day and I could see Toto dying to get into any bodies of water. He even jumped into a small drain along the trek.

Alas, the downpour before flooded the trickling stream we always used to take. What a disappointment. Toto was dying to jumped into the deep murky pool and I had to pull him away repeatedly.

Nonetheless, we continued our trek via the outskirts of the woods, finally reaching the pools of water at the end of the stream. Toto was simply delighted at the sight of water and jumped into it without hesitation.

Swim, swim, swim...

I am NOT coming up, nei nei nei.

Next time, Fairyland!

Jane's the monkey!

Felix has bad photography skills.

I have no idea what's Jane doing, but she looks kinda cute. :P Felix and I were probably doing our usual dosage of bickering.

Toto is probably thinking: This human are insane and an utter waste of time.

Since it's Halloween, we tried to be scary...

Here is Felix waving a huge decayed leaf and Jane looking in incredulity.

Felix sticks lallang to my dog because he thinks my dog needs embellishment.

We are doing A-okay!

Here is Felix again, droning on and on about how the stick he is holding is a piece of art.

"This is an old leaf. This is a young leaf. There are currently on different paths, but eventually, they merge into the same direction."

Right, Felix. What did you have for breakfast? Crap? Because you are FULL of it.

What best ways to end the trek besides a nice picnicking feast?

Yum. We had drinks to go round, sandwiches, ngoh hiangs, bread and cheese and Felix's nasty clementines and grapefruit.

Harrassment of Doggies. Someone call SPCA, please.

On Sunday, Felix suggested we swtiched from having brunch to bringing Toto for a swim at Sentosa. I feel so localized walking a dog in Singapore, he claimed.

A very awesome weather at the beach, we are both quite burnt.

The dog and the cat.

Well, Felix the fish obviously had to swim to other islands and he tried to attract Mister Toto along. Mister Toto tailed him for a while (because Felix has his ball), gave up in the middle and returned to his beloved Mistress.

After getting drenched in seawater from head to toe which I have absolutely no intention to (but Germans are evil and they pull off nasty stunts like pushing you rudely into the water, cap and all), we sat down and attempted to dry off while watching Toto pine for pretty little doggies.

Finally, we strolled to Palawan Beach for lunch at Club Islander. The cafe comprised primarily of Caucasians and I was unfortunately the only Chinese around. When the waiter came, he handed ONE menu to Felix.

Does he now know I can READ ENGLISH?


Felix is burnt and in pain.


We got bored and decided to compete on who looked cooler.

I loaned him Toto to walk back to the car so as to make him feel more localized. Look at what a hit he is with the kiddoes.

Good weekend ahead, everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hey, was thinking of bringing the dogs to KWM this weekend. really like the place! :)

11:42 PM  
Blogger jellybeano said...

hey hey! Well, KWM is always a nice place to trek! My fave.. cos its short and sweet. The stream was overflowed though, so we couldn't wade through it... I wanna explore a new trail. Last time I think I did a hash at Chestnut Drive... but I totally cannot remember the trail. When you are free, maybe we can explore that! :)

1:14 AM  

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