Monday, December 17, 2007

Home, Yet Not Quite

As I took a stroll back to the hotel in the districts of San Francisco, on the last night of the work trip, I realized I did miss the short span of independence I had led in California 2005.

I am glad to be back in the warmth of Singapore, but somehow my heart feels heavy. Perhaps it is the matters of the heart, perhaps it is the matter of school, perhaps. Quizás, Quizás, Quizás.

Here are some photos of our hectic work trip, which saw us surviving snowflakes, ice storm and then dazzling sun shine in the West Coast of USA, from my boss's camera. My pictures are at home. Shall add them soon if I have the opportunity.


Travelling long hours on road trips means lunch has to be icky take-out food from drive throughs such as Taco Bell's.

At -20 degree C, the team was still lunatic enough to venture into the snow for a picture. Sheer madness, I say. There is nobody in the open.

Evidence of our rented car that was broken into in Chicago.

Urbana-Champaign has the prettiest icy trees.

At the University of California, San Diego, we were warmed suitably by sunshine.

The weather at Cornell University was cold, but the people were generous with hospitality.

Greetings again, everyone.


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