Thursday, May 19, 2011

Revisiting UK Pleasures

It was truly pleasant, being able to return to UK after a year plus. I was greeted by typical British rainy chill and dull grey skies when I first arrived.

This evening, I rewarded myself with a musical at the Palace Theatre after three intensive days of school. Watching Mamma Mia amongst the swaying British granny sweethearts is truly amazing! The atmosphere was infectious and I found myself dancing, swaying, singing aloud the Abba songs... You are the dancing queen, young and sweet only seventeen! It was almost like a discothque for the elderly.

Besides amazing and affordable musicals, amongst other UK Pleasures catching-up I did include:

Running in the crisp cold air: I love running in the temperature of the teens. Perspiration seeps out and disappears almost immediately. You feel you never tire. I'm planning to run to nearby Heaton Park when the opportunity arises. So far, I've only run to the nearby Sugden Sports Centre (whose gym facilities are rather disappointing).

Savouring Gregg's Triple Chocolate Muffin: It is a chocolate muffin with huge-ass pieces of chocolate chunks, unlike the miserable chocolate chips you get in the Singapore ones. Besides that, it has a molten lava core that oozes out when you bite into the middle. Need I say more? Oh, it costs only 85p!

I know you want me.

Remincsing over Marks and Spencers Salads: Marks and Spencers salads, ah. The staple lunch of my everyday London life. I already had three in the short span of 3 days and this is in addition to my three meals included during my lessons. Can someone tell Marks and Spencers to include these salads in SG, please?

Shopping: Varieties are large and updated over here whereas the UK brands in SG are rather dated. And can I just give a special mention to Primark and H&M which I miss so, so, so much? I'm gonna head to the city centre for more serious shopping on Friday!

Ah, UK. Shall enjoy it while it lasts. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg.. the choc muffin looks so gd! - addy

10:25 PM  

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